December 15, 2024 @ 3:00 pm
St. Johns UCC
1050 Buffalo Road

The Buffalo Valley Singers present their annual Christmas concert, “A Winter Wish,” Sunday, December 15th, 3:00 pm. Concerts are performed at St. John’s United Church of Christ, 1050 Buffalo Rd, Lewisburg. Tickets are sold at the door. Adult admission $8, children 12 and under free. Doors open 30 minutes prior to the start time.
Director: Connie Pawling-Young
Accompanist: Brett Hosterman

Originating in Mifflinburg, the Buffalo Valley Singers have been performing for over 50 years. The 80+ member choir ranges in age from fifteen years to folks in their eighties. A community minded group, BVS fosters area youth in their music endeavors, inviting them to participate vocally or instrumentally.

For more information visit BuffaloValleySingers.org.
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