April 7, 2024 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
The Lewisburg Art Council

LEWISBURG, PA – The Lewisburg Arts Council announces its selection of local photographer Robert Haefner as the Featured Artist for the 2024 Lewisburg Arts Festival. Haefner’s attention to detail as a photographer and preference for wildlife stills and striking landscapes inspired this year’s Arts Festival’s theme, “Art in Focus.”

In addition to the eye-catching image selected for promoting the Festival, the public can experience the Winfield photographer’s work thanks to a number of free events in April.

Leading up to the Arts Festival, nearly 50 of Haefner’s photographs will be on display Thursdays-Sundays from April 4-28 at The Gallery, located at 15 North Water Street, Lewisburg, PA. Visit LewisburgArtsCouncil.org for hours of operation.

On Sunday, April 7, from 2-4pm, the public is invited to stop by and meet the artist during the exhibition’s opening reception. During the Arts Festival on Saturday, April 27, Haefner will be available at The Gallery from 1-4pm to engage with the public, answering questions about his work and sharing behind-the-scenes details about the images he’s carefully captured.

Haefner is an active member of the Lewisburg Photography Club, where he has presented on various aspects of photography. The club and community members know him as a constant source of knowledge.

On Saturday, April 13 Haefner will take participants through these major elements of crafting a photo in the workshop entitled “The Art of Photography: How to Make Your Photos Stand Out.” Learn about setting up, capturing, and editing photos to make the image stand out and grab the viewer. The workshop is open to photographers ages 12+. Register today at LewisburgArtsCouncil.org, space is limited.